Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 38: Another Windy and Flat Day in Michigan

Mount Pleasant, MI to Birch Run, MI
79 miles with 826' of climbing

Today's morning temperature was 48 degrees so it was a day for jackets and vests. We left the hotel by 8:00 and before we knew it, 4 cyclists had joined our group of 4. While a pace line of 8 is too large for my liking, it really does help on a windy day like today. Our first and only SAG today came at 23 miles. I was a bit surprised to pull into someone's front yard. As it turns out, Sandra has been offering her home as a rest stop to America by Bicycle for a number of years. She is a dear woman who recently lost her husband to Lou Gehrig's Disease. Here she is with one of the ABB staff members Karen.
Due to the windy conditions, the wind turbines were able to harness lots of energy today. Gary snapped this photo by dropping out of our line. I'm not willing to run the risk of getting dropped to face the wind alone.
At mile 53, we ran into a "road closed" sign. We waited for our ride leader Jeff to direct us. Here he is painting directions while I look on. The detour added another 5 miles to our daily mileage. We are all learning that you can't plan finishing times as unusual occurrences are becoming the norm.
A huge lunch at Applebee's saved the day. We seem to think about food all the time. That will have to change for me in 12 days!

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