Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 50: The Final Day!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013: Manchester, NH to Portsmouth, NH, 60 miles with 2,500 feet of climbing

While this may be my final day of cycling, it will not be my last posting. Within the next few days, I will be writing a reflection as to what this journey has meant to me. Stay tuned!
The day began as another incredibly beautiful day. We are SO very fortunate. Of the 45 days of cycling, it has only rained on 2 days. What a contrast to what our family and friends have experienced in Delaware! We have ridden 3,678 miles (not counting detours), and have climbed (as a good friend suggested) enough miles that we could get to the moon! 
Leaving Manchester, we were all hypersensitive of safety; worried that tragedy would strike on this final day. Despite all of our precautions, a car turned in front of Gail and nicked her elbow. Her quick reactions saved her from a serious accident.
The ride to Portsmouth was uneventful with the exception of a suggested stop at a bakery in Exeter. Realizing that it was the last quality time with many of our friends, we were all a bit reluctant to get back on the bikes.
By 11:30 we had all arrived to a junior high school in Portsmouth where our group photo was taken.
Then, we had a police escort to the Wallis Sands Beach. Of course, for Gail and me the highlight was seeing our wonderful husbands and the banners that were made by the children from the Boys and Girls Club. We both became very emotional.
After the ceremonial “dipping of the front wheel” in the Atlantic Ocean, we were treated to a champagne picnic lunch that Frank and C.J. had prepared. I have no doubt that the celebration will continue well into the night.
The best news of all came when we arrived back to the hotel and received an e-mail message from Dave Ford. The donations to the Bike for Mike’s Kids have surpassed $69,000. We are so grateful to all of our donors. What a wonderful legacy to our summer on a bicycle!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it!! So incredibly proud of you.

  2. Wow! What an amazing, incredible accomplishment! I can't imagine how you are feeling right now!
    Congratulations, hope to see you soon and catch up on more of the details of your trip!

  3. Ann, the end of your journey fell at the same time two dear friends ended their own life journey, so it was a great respite to read the story of your triumphant finale and celebration. Following the joy and excitement of your adventure has been a great gift. Thanks so much for sharing your heroic pilgrimage with the rest of us.
