Friday, August 23, 2013

Ann's Final Reflection

My Last Blog Posting – What Has the Trip Meant to Me?

I vividly recall a conversation that I had with Jim Seuffert at our going away party in June. Since he had recently completed a similar cross-country journey, I was asking him basic information that would help me to survive: “What did you eat? What clothes did you bring? How can I prepare?”  However, he was steering me in a different direction by saying that this trip would change me forever and that I would come back to Delaware as a different person. 

As the days of the trip unfolded, I thought about his comment often. In what ways am I changing? Sure, there were the obvious physical changes. I was becoming stronger and leaner. Then, there were the changes in my cycling abilities in that I was getting more efficient with my pedal strokes and the thought of riding a mountainous century was no longer such a daunting task. Of course, there were also changes made in my circle of friends as Gail and I quickly bonded with 35 other cyclists who were experiencing the same challenges and joys that faced us daily. However, these changes were not what Jim was implying.

Now that I have been home for 2 weeks, it’s much easier to unearth the changes. There have been two profound changes for me. The first one deals with how I have been inspired by my fellow cyclists. I wish that you could have seen how some of the older cyclists persevered day in and day out. They rode by themselves each and every day facing head winds, heat, mountains, flat tires, and rain. They would arrive to our hotel much later than everyone else. Yet, they never complained. In fact, they were some of the most upbeat people that you would ever want to meet. Then, there were those cyclists who became ill or injured on the trip. One guy suffered from pulmonary edema while another person had a chronic urinary infection. One of my favorite women was a college student who battled an Achilles injury that hurt her immensely on every climb. Did these cyclists ever consider packing up their belongings and going home? Not for one second! I will always remember and be inspired by their courage and determination.

The second change that will remain with me forever is my immense sense of gratitude. I now realize that I could never have completed this trip if it had not been for so many others. A huge “thank-you” goes out to the following people:

To all of my HAC instructors, exercise partners and riding friends who prepared me physically and mentally. Because of you, this old body felt prepared for hill repeats, wind gusts that exceeded 30 mph, and grueling daylong workouts.

To the wonderful bike mechanics in this region. Somehow, you transformed my bike into a 2-wheeled tank that could sustain the teeth-jarring bumps of 3700 miles.  

To my friend Linda for creating the “Ann Bikes America” blog site which differs entirely from the Ann Rides America blog which is a porn site!

To the friends and acquaintances who followed our blog postings and made donations to the Mike Clark Legacy Foundation. Gail and I were able to feel your constant support and encouragement. We are still amazed by the number of supporters and your overwhelming generosity. 

To the children, teachers, and mentors from the Boys and Girls Club. Your letters and banners gave us perspective and the will to continue.

To my children – Kevin and Carly – for their phone calls, trips, cards, and genuine interest.  

To my dear friend Gail for putting up with me (and my competitive spirit) for the past seven weeks. I doubt if anyone on the trip had as much fun as we did. Whether it was sharing a glass of wine or sampling yet another buffet, things were always more special because we experienced them together.  

Finally, to my terrific husband Frank who not only cheered me on from the sidelines but is the one who made this dream a reality for me. Frankie, you’re the best. 

In closing, I have been asked many questions along the line of “Are you glad that you did it? and “Would you do it again?”  My answer is – No, I would not do this trip again. Why would I try to replicate this incredible journey? I want to remember it just as it was with all the breathtaking views, incredibly difficult challenges, wonderful companionship, and never-ending support. In my mind, it was perfect!

Here are some photos from our Welcome Back party.....

The End!

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