Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 7: Who turned on the heat?

Baker City to Ontario, Oregon
83 miles with 2,100' of climbing

We should have known that when the temperatures were balmy when we left our hotel at 7:30 that it would eventually get warm - even hot. Unfortunately, we are slow to learn how to dress for this western climate. Riding when it's warm is one thing, but riding in the warm desert is entirely different. Sometimes, your throat gets so dry that it's hard to swallow. Riding a bicycle becomes the easy part of the trip and battling the elements becomes your primary focus.
The course today was mostly flat, but there were two stretches totaling 11 miles where we had to ride on the interstate. Surprisingly, it's not against the law here. Riding I-84 was problematic due to all of the debris on the shoulder - glass, wire, tire shards, etc. impede your progress. Sure enough, I got a flat tire. However, it was a slow leak and not discovered until I was literally standing in front of the mechanics truck. How's that for good luck?!
Even though we are still in Oregon, we crossed into a new time zone - hooray! Communication with home has just become easier.
Undoubtedly, the best part of the day was our dinner tonight. We went to a restaurant that had a huge salad bar and served salmon. All of the 39 cyclists ordered salmon - our first seafood of the trip. The fresh spinach and fruit were manna from heaven. 
Tomorrow, we enter a new state and on Tuesday we have a rest day. We are almost giddy with excitement as to what we will do with this free time!


  1. So, I hope you have a good masseuse on the trip! Nothing beats a hot shower or hot tub and a nice massage after a long day in the saddle - of course, a nice glass of wine is almost a given. Maybe Frank will surprise you and arrange one at one of your stops! If not, call ahead. I see the next leg looks like another dry, hot one - a road called Desert Wind and a town called Oasis - can you say extra water bottles?

  2. Cindy M. sent me the link to your blog and I got caught up on your adventure today. I'm in awe! Stay safe, stay healthy and have a great time. And thanks for the vicarious thrills! Valerie

  3. Nice timing on the flat! What a planner! ;-)

    So what ARE your plans for the 1st day off? Where will you be and are there any opportunities to site see? You'll probably want to bike... just to get some extra miles in... NOT! ;-)

    Stay safe and have a blast!

    Tom H
